Saturday, March 3, 2012

Death By Cheezburger or Redemption Song

Ugh.... Why would a man choose to work hard in a gym 3 days a week eat less than 1800 calories a day only to "sacrifice" that hard work for a tasty mountain of meat smothered in cheese, bacon grease and a mound of fries? Why???!!


That is the name I have given to my boundless desire. KKKKHHHHHAAANNNN!!!!! shows up when I want to KKKKHHHHHAAANNNN!!!!! soda, hes there when I am grubbing tortilla chips and he is putting the bottle of beer to my lips. KHAN doesn't want to go the gym, eat healthy or drink water. Yes, I realize I have stolen the name from both Star Trek and Bill Simmons, but its the only name that makes sense. It is a dubious and unflattering act to name one's id. I would prefer that my id hung out in the way back machine and didn't bother my ego but thems the breaks. 

I have done my best to put KKKKHHHHHAAANNNN!!!!! into a corner and hopefully baby will stay there. I have been hitting the gym 3 times a week, taken up an hour long boxing class to go along with my weights and running. I want to strengthen my core so when I start to hop on my bike I have a good foundation. I realize its strange to justify getting on a bike by not getting on a bike but follow my rationale: if I can't ride my bike due to poor weather, why not prepare for good weather? The bottom line: I need my bike. 

Next blog might feature me taking my first spin of 2012 or a continuation of my Rocky like desire to get ready for my first century ride, only KKKKHHHHHAAANNNN!!!!! knows for sure.