Saturday, March 3, 2012

Death By Cheezburger or Redemption Song

Ugh.... Why would a man choose to work hard in a gym 3 days a week eat less than 1800 calories a day only to "sacrifice" that hard work for a tasty mountain of meat smothered in cheese, bacon grease and a mound of fries? Why???!!


That is the name I have given to my boundless desire. KKKKHHHHHAAANNNN!!!!! shows up when I want to KKKKHHHHHAAANNNN!!!!! soda, hes there when I am grubbing tortilla chips and he is putting the bottle of beer to my lips. KHAN doesn't want to go the gym, eat healthy or drink water. Yes, I realize I have stolen the name from both Star Trek and Bill Simmons, but its the only name that makes sense. It is a dubious and unflattering act to name one's id. I would prefer that my id hung out in the way back machine and didn't bother my ego but thems the breaks. 

I have done my best to put KKKKHHHHHAAANNNN!!!!! into a corner and hopefully baby will stay there. I have been hitting the gym 3 times a week, taken up an hour long boxing class to go along with my weights and running. I want to strengthen my core so when I start to hop on my bike I have a good foundation. I realize its strange to justify getting on a bike by not getting on a bike but follow my rationale: if I can't ride my bike due to poor weather, why not prepare for good weather? The bottom line: I need my bike. 

Next blog might feature me taking my first spin of 2012 or a continuation of my Rocky like desire to get ready for my first century ride, only KKKKHHHHHAAANNNN!!!!! knows for sure.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

And so it starts....

Hi my name is Bryan and I am on a journey to ride in my first 100 mile bike ride or the century ride. I have the same amout of experience most people have. I learned to ride a bike as a kid, I used a bike until I got a car then forgot that they existed... until I met the guys from Maverick's Square. They have encouraged me to ride my bike from home to work, grab a sandwich or enjoy a sunny day.

I technically started my first leg of the trip on New Years day. I quit eating fast food, joined a gym and took up walking to local places to grab groceries. Its been a quick turn around. I work out three times a week, eat relatively well and made making healthy choices my first priority. I haven't changed much else, just enjoying my days and learning to enjoy my time in the gym.

I'd be lying if I wasn't hesitant about agreeing to a century ride.  100 miles. Thats 160.94 kilometers, 176,000 yards or 528,000 feet. I am scared. I am scared to push my body tha hard. Its 33 miles a day up and down a mountain. A mountain, not one of those little tiny hills you see people on bikes ride up and down for fun, but a scary, rocky, unmercifiul succubus of a challenge. Forget that its paved, what you see is a rolling paved hill, I see a snapping, snarling beast that wants to eat my children (ones that I don't have yet, I think). I have to conquer this fear if I have any shot at finishing.

Today I decided to celebrate my new found healthy living by having a steak tip sandwich, french fries and a soda with the guys. They know how to keep a guy motivated. I am starting a spinning class in a few weeks and we'll see how well I do. I may end up cursing the names of Dan and Nate (more than I already do), or they may just be the guys who rescued me from obscure obiesity and delivered me to the promised land of a better life.

Eyes on the fries.... er prize!